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How to Close M&A Deals - eBook Resources Course
1.1 Mergers and Acquisitions How to Close Deals Introduction (3:26)
1.2 Mergers and Acquisitions Deal Game Plan (16:20)
1.3 Mergers and Acquisitions Why You Should Invest In this Course (4:18)
Mergers and Acquisitions - Deal Closing Getting Started
2.1 Mergers and Acquisitions Deal Closing Getting Started
2.2 Its not just about the Price
2.3 Actions speak louder than Words
2.4 Everything is always negotiable even after you have signed
2.5 Deal Closing Introduction Key Learning Points
Activity 1 - Convene a Negotiation Strategy Meeting (3:21)
The Due Diligence Process
3.1 What is Due Diligence and Why is It Important
3.2 Make the Most of Virtual Data Rooms
3.3 Managing the Process People
3.4 Due Diligence Process Key Learning Points
3.5 Activity 2 Virtual Data Room (1:48)
The Sale and Purchase Agreement
4.1 Sale and Purchase Agreement
4.2 Concurrent Drafting
4.3 What are the Key Issues you need to Negotiate
4.4 Complexities and Issues Arising
4.5 Sale and Purchase Agreement Key Learning Points
4.6 Activity 3 Deal Review and Deal Breakers Checklist (3:59)
Deal Negotiation and Transaction Process Management
5.1 Negotiation Theory 101
5.2 Thinking Fast and Slow
5.3 Negotiation Preparation
5.4 Transaction Process Management
5.5 Negotiation Key Learning Points
5.6 Activity 4 Deal Timetable (3:08)
Deal Closing
6.1 Overcoming Obstacles 2
6.2 Keep the Principals Involved
6.3 Closing Deal Points
6.4 Deal Closing Timing
6.5 Closing Complexities
6.6 In Person or Virtual Closing
6.7 Deal Closing Key Learning Points
6.8 Activity 5 Deal Closing Checklist (2:27)
Summary and Wrap Up
7.1 Mergers and Acquisitions How to Close Deals Summary (2:15)
6.3 Closing Deal Points
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